Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kt Tunstall Tiger Suit

I have heard of Kt Tunstall but never really listened to anything by her . Thanks to One2One Network (http://www.one2onenetwork.com) I finally got to listen to her . She is simply amazing such wonderful music, lyrics and voice. I soon found myself humming and singing along to her tunes. I find that I have a new favorite artist I just love Difficulty and UUmmannaq Song . So many beautiful lyrics I can relate to and she has an awesome voice I would give it a shot.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Is it me?

I know I am getting older but new and improved is not new and improved its take the taste and all those good old bad for you things out of the mix. I miss certain products these companies took away especially Hamburger Helpers Tuna pot pie and the tuna salad... I do like a few newer things like I love the vanilla oreos ....they really can do away with those mint icky ones ...yuck and I hate how all the candy bar companies are going dark. Never liked dark bitter chocolate and never will .

Old Dogs

Went to see this a few months back and I have to say the comedic talents of Robin Williams never get old. The pairing of John Travolta and Robin Williams made me laugh. So many funny parts in this movie. Something that will appeal to the whole family . Not too often do I find myself laughing at comedies anymore. Maybe I am getting old lol. At the age of 42 hollywood doesn't dazzle me too much. But I did find this movie humorous and cute . Its a good break away from all the miserable things that real life throws. I definately recommend this movie for a good old fashioned laugh .

Book of Eli

I must say I thought this was going to be a good movie. But I think all the good scenes were in the previews as usual . Movies today seem to show all the best scenes in the previews and then fill the rest of the movie with nothingness. I did not really enjoy this end of days film. Very depressing to see a man trek across the world for endless years just to deliver a bible to a place he dreamed about. No real character development. I could have care less who lived or died in this film. A film you could care less about and even feel inspired about . I would save your money and go rent a video you actually like.